Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Twin Schooners

This photo is a taken of a painting of the Schooners in Wiscasset. The painting is located on the pub side of Sarah’s Café and Twin Schooner Pub. The ships were named the Hesper and the Luther Little. These two ships were built in the early 1900's and set sail in 1918. They were carrying coal from Maine to Lisbon, Portugal. The ships hit hard waters and with the amount of weight that was being carried by the ships they raked in the Sheepscot River. For years the ships were a great tourist attraction. People would come from all over to see the wooden ships. About ten to twelve years ago, depending on who in the town you talk to, the ships got taken down do to the fact that they were rotting away and causing trouble with the local wildlife.
Today there is a local dock were the ships use to be. In the summer time people rent the dock space and sell local goods. Right now the dock in empty, awating the people to come drving down Rt 1.

Photos By: Nicole Brassard

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