Monday, May 5, 2008

Malaga Island

In December of 1911 the orders were sent to the islanders that they were to leave by July 1, 1912. Residents were paid varying sums of money for their homes. They were paid any where between $50.00 and $300.00 for their homes only. They were not giving anything for the lose of their land. In 1912 a mixture of forty five people lived on Malaga Island. Nearly a quarter of the islanders were sent to Maine School for the Feeble-Mined the others were sent off to fend for themselves. State workers torched their home right in front of them and dug up the bones of their ancestors. With the homes that they did not burn they send down the New Meadows River. There is no trace of anyone living on the island ever. Captain Lane went to the island and moved his school house to Louds Island in Muscongus Bay.

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